Longevity Planning: Are You Prepared?

Living to 100 may seem far off, but it’s a possibility for many people today. And with longer lifespans comes the need for smarter financial planning, especially when preparing for decades of retirement. If you are hoping to live to 100, how will your financial planning need to adapt?

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Silvia Evans
IRS Scams: How to Spot and Avoid Them

Scammers posing as the IRS have stolen billions of dollars from thousands of victims, often using fear and intimidation to get their way. Knowing their tricks is the first step to protecting yourself β€” and helping elderly loved ones stay safe, too. 

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Silvia Evans
How Do Surrender Charges Work?

Annuities can be used to provide steady income during your retirement years. But in most cases, you have to wait a certain period of time before you can begin taking withdrawals. If you start early, you may have to pay a fee known as a surrender charge.

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Silvia Evans